
Home About Us Statement of Faith
Statement of Faith

1. Trinity

We believe in trinity, one true God eternally exists in three persons — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God the Father is Creator of the universe visible and invisible.
God the Son Jesus Christ, the very God Himself became man, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, and born of Virgin Mary. He gave his life on the cross to save man from sins. His punishment brought man peace, his wounds healings. He was raised from the dead the third day and ascended to heaven. He sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, and will come again to judge the world.
God the Holy Spirit dwells inside every believer. He fills the believer to empower him for sanctified life and ministry.

2. Inerrancy

We believe in the entire Bible, the Old Testament and the New Testament, as inspired by God and entirely inerrant in its original manuscript. It is therefore, the foundation of our faith and living.

3. Salvation

We believe in the salvation of man as through faith in Jesus Christ alone. At the judgment day, both the believer and the nonbeliever will be resurrected. The believer will receive eternal life while the nonbeliever eternal punishment.

4. Church
We believe in the church as the body of Christ. From the apostles’ day to the present day, all believers belong to this universal body of Christ to witness the glory of God.








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